Sunday, March 3, 2013

Healing Bone Fractures, Part 3 of 5

This is the third in a series of posts in which I am documenting the process of treating a serious fracture of my right leg. In Part 1 I discussed the details behind the injury and the initial protocols that I used with the remedies I had available while I was still away. In Part 2 I provided a detailed account of the protocols that I implemented when I returned home. In this post I am providing an update on how things are progressing four weeks after my surgery and any modifications that I have made to the protocols that I am using.

Systemic Herbal Formulation: On the fifth day after my surgery I was finally able to make a specific herbal formulation to treat my injury. I made up a 250 bottle, which lasts two weeks at the dose I am taking (for the details see Part 2). This formula ran out during the third week after my surgery. Although I was only taking it for two weeks and I could have just repeated the same formula, I decided to make a slight change to the formula. Since there is no evidence of nerve damage, I eliminated the St. Johnswort (Hypericum perforatum). I also substituted stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) for common horsetail (Equisetum arvense). The second version of the formulation contains turmeric rhizome (Curcuma longa) 18%, stinging nettle herb (Urtica dioica) 20%, boneset herb (Eupatorium perfoliatum) 20%, American plantain herb (Plantago rugelii) 20%, common comfrey herb (Symphytum officinale) 15%, wild ginger rhizome (Asarum canadense) 5%, white pine leaf/twig (Pinus strobus) 2%. I am continuing to take 6 ml three times per day on an empty stomach, 5-10 minutes before each meal.

St. Johnswort (Hypericum perforatum), topically, systemically and in homeopathic potencies,
is a very important herb for healing nerve damage.

Herbal Sleep Formulation: Due to the changes to my primary systemic formulation I made a slight adjustment to the sleep formulation as well so that the two formulations remain well coordinated. It now contains English lavender flowering spike (Lavandula angustifolia) 15%, St. Johnswort herb (Hypericum perforatum) 15%, catnip herb (Nepeta cataria) 15%, American plantain herb (Plantago rugelii) 15%, hop strobilus (Humulus lupulus) 15%, stinging nettle herb (Urtica dioica) 15%, turmeric rhizome (Curcuma longa) 9%, white pine leaf/twig (Pinus strobus) 1%. Once more this formula overlaps with and carries over some of the properties of my daytime formula while still maintaining its effectiveness as a sleep formula. Just as with plantain, it is rare for stinging nettle herb to be acknowledged as a sedative in the herbal literature. In fact, it is a very calming herb, especially when harvested a bit later in its life cycle when a some of the harvested portion includes the immature seeds. These are the most sedating part of the plant. I am continuing to take 6 ml immediately before bed and additional 3 ml doses through the night, as required.

More On Sleep: For reasons that I explained in Part 2, getting sufficient sleep has been a real challenge for me, even with the herbal sleep formula. By day 23 after my surgery I still had experienced only a slight improvement in my sleep, so I decided to go one step further and take melatonin as well. In the past I have found that clients with moderate to severe insomnia for whom an herbal sleep formula does not produce sufficient results usually respond well to the addition of a small amount of melatonin into the mix. Although I am not experiencing typical insomnia, my hope was that this will help me to sleep deeper and I won't wake up as much due to the discomfort and stiffness I have been experiencing as a result of having to lie on my back all night. I have to say, I was appalled at the poor selection of melatonin products even in a very well stocked health food store. Most of them had additional undesirable ingredients such as high doses of individual B vitamins or calcium. In addition, the doses of melatonin were way too high. Melatonin is a hormone and, although it is safe when used correctly, it is important to use only the minimum dose that will produce the desired results. The way I recommend people take it is to begin with a 0.5 mg dose for a few days. If that isn't strong enough I have them increase the dose in 0.5 mg increments (allowing a few days each time the dose is increased to determine its effectiveness) until they hit the ideal dose for them. One of the advantages of using melatonin in combination with a good herbal sedative is that they are mutually synergistic and, when taken concurrently with the herbs, the melatonin will usually produced the desired result at a very low dose. Although I did find a few products that had relatively low (1 mg) dose of melatonin, they all had other things in them that I didn't want to take. As a result, I ended up purchasing a 3 mg sublingual lozenge that I am able to cut into quarters so that each dose is approximately 0.75 mg. I take 0.75 mg of melatonin about 15 minutes before I go to bed and then take a 6 ml dose of my sleep formulation just before bed. When I wake up in the night and have difficulty falling back to sleep, if it seems that I won't have too much difficulty falling asleep I will take an additional 3 ml dose of the tincture. However, if it seems that I am going to have more difficulty, I will allow myself one more 0.75 mg dose of melatonin in addition to 3 ml of the tincture. If I wake up additional times through the night and have difficulty falling asleep I will only take the tincture. As it turns out, the first night I required two doses of melatonin but after that my sleep improved so much I only required one. I have found that I am waking up less often through the night and having less difficulty falling back to sleep when I wake up.

Homeopathics: On day 23 after my surgery, when I added the melatonin, I also diverged from the homeopathic protocols that I had intended to follow (as indicated in Part 2). I am continuing to take Symphytum 200C three times per day to support the healing of my bone. Since I was past the stage of the initial tissue trauma, I dropped the Arnica. As there seemed to be no major nerve damage, but there is a little bit of numbness of my skin along the major incision, I dropped the Hypericum 200C to one dose per day. To address the mild numbness I also kept Hypericum (St. Johnswort) in my sleep formulation even though I eliminated it from my daytime formulation. I also added Rhus 200C two doses per day. Rhus is for injuries or strains that stiffen up and feel worse when they are rested for periods of time, but feel better when we move around. These symptoms are typical for me whenever I have injuries or stiffness. I always feel better when I can move around and limber up. My hope was that the Rhus will help reduce the stiffness I am experiencing from lying on my back all night, since this stiffness is one of the things interfering with my sleep. It has helped somewhat and I have experienced a significant improvement in my sleep since adding the Rhus and melatonin to my protocols. It is my intention to continue taking these three homeopathic remedies in these doses for the next few weeks.

Eastern poison oak (Toxicodendron pubescens) was formerly classified as Rhus toxicodendron.
The names of homeopathic remedies are often based on obsolete botanical names
so as to maintain the continuity of the name with older homeopathic texts.

Topical Herbal Preparations: I have two incisions in my leg. A smaller one just below my knee and a larger one that runs down to my ankle which is the area where the plate was put in. On day 13 after my surgery all of the stitches in the smaller incision were removed, but the surgeon decided to remove only half of the stitches in my larger incision because the inflammation and edema were putting a lot of pressure on that area. He wanted me to come back in two more weeks to have the remainder of the stitches removed. On day 16 we began applying a poultice to the smaller incision from which all of the stitches had been removed (for more details about the poultice, see Part 2). We decided to use it as an opportunity to demonstrate how to apply a poultice during our Making Herbal Tinctures workshop. By day 18 it was apparent that the healing of the smaller incision was already much further along than the larger incision to which I was not yet able to apply a poultice because of the remaining stitches. I tried to get an appointment that week to see the surgeon and have the remaining stitches removed so that I could begin working on the longer incision, but there were no appointments available. As a result, I decided it was best if I removed the stitches before my appointment the following week. On day 23, herbalist (and my partner) Monika Ghent removed them for me in the morning. We allowed the holes to seal during the next few hours and began applying a poultice to the larger incision as well that night.

This photograph was taken of my leg just before we removed the remaining stitches from the larger incision.
Notice how much further along the healing is on the smaller incision which at this point I had been
poulticing for a week. The redness is in areas that were formerly covered by scabs.

Since then the protocol that I have been using is as follows:
  • When I wake up I apply the liniment I am using (see Part 2) to my whole lower leg up to and including my knee, but not to the area of the incisions themselves. I apply an ointment to the incisions. The ointment is made from the same infused oil that I used as the base for my liniment (see Part 2) with a little bit of English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oil added to it (probably about 2 drops in each 25 ml jar). Both the infused oil and the ointment were made during our Herbal Field Studies field workshops.
  • In the mid afternoon I apply a poultice to both incisions (for details see Part 2). I leave them on for 30-45 minutes and then remove them and allow the plant juices to dry on my leg. I do not apply anything else at that time.
  • In the evening I apply a second poultice to both incisions. However, after I remove them and the plant juices dry on my leg I apply a comfrey (Symphytum officinale) ointment to my whole lower leg below the knee including the incisions. I had not prepared any comfrey ointment but fortunately my friend and fellow herbalist Rick DeSylva provided me with an jar of his excellent comfrey ointment.

This is what the protocols I am using look like at about 4 weeks after my surgery. There is no pain in my leg even when I touch the area where the incisions and fractures are. The surgeon was quite surprised at that. My leg feels strong and I am doing my best to stretch the tendons and ligaments in my ankle and knee so they don't tighten up too much while I'm not walking. There is some edema in my foot because I am spending a fair bit of time upright, which allows the blood and lymph to pool in my foot. This is has gone down somewhat but is still significant except when I wake up in the morning after I've been horizontal through the night. It is something I'm going to have to put up with until I start walking unless I want to spend the whole day sitting or lying with my leg raised, which is not an option.

I will continue provide updates on how things are progressing and any changes to my protocols in Part 4.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Healing Bone Fractures, Part 2 of 5

This is the second in a series of posts in which I am documenting the process of treating a serious fracture of my right leg. In Part 1 I discussed the details behind the injury and the initial protocols that I used with the remedies I had available while I was still away. In this post I am going to explain the protocol that I implemented when I returned home.

I returned home on evening of Sunday February 3rd, four days after my injury and three days after my surgery. On Monday we picked up some additional supplements that I needed and then on Tuesday I made up a couple of new formulations specifically formulated to address my injury. This is the protocol that I implemented at that time:

Homeopathics: I am taking Arnica 200C, Hypericum 200C and Symphytum 200C individually, four pellets per dose alternated throughout the day. The dosage of each remedy varies over time according to the following protocol:
  • Week 1: Arnica 4 doses per day; Hypericum 4 doses per day; Symphytum 4 doses per day.
  • Week 2: Arnica 3 doses per day; Hypericum 3 doses per day; Symphytum 3 doses per day.
  • Week 3: Arnica 2 doses per day; Hypericum 2 doses per day; Symphytum 3 doses per day.
  • Week 4: Arnica 1 dose per day; Hypericum 1 dose per day; Symphytum 3 doses per day.
  • Week 5 and onwards (until my bones are completely healed): Symphytum 3 doses per day.

Herbs: I created three new formulations to address my specific needs:
  • A systemic herbal formulation prepared from 1:5 fresh herb tinctures containing turmeric rhizome (Curcuma longa) 18%, common horsetail herb (Equisetum arvense) 15%, boneset herb (Eupatorium perfoliatum) 15%, St. Johnswort herb (Hypericum perforatum) 15%, American plantain herb (Plantago rugelii) 15%, common comfrey herb (Symphytum officinale) 15%, wild ginger rhizome (Asarum canadense) 5%, white pine leaf/twig (Pinus strobus) 2%. This formulation is a specific for healing damaged tissues and blood vessels, bone, and improving general circulation. Boneset and turmeric also have a significant tonic action on the liver which will help address any stress on my liver from the medications and other aspects of my hospital experience, as well as protect my liver from any toxicity from the pyrrolizidine alkaloids in the comfrey, which is the best herb I know for healing bones and well worth the very slight risk of toxicity. Given that the comfrey will not exceed the 15-20% range in any of the formulations that I use and will be combined with herbs that can mitigate its potential toxicity, the likelihood of any toxicity is almost nil. Boneset and horsetail are also specifics for healing bone tissue. This formulation is taken in 6 ml doses three times per day on an empty stomach, 5-10 minutes before each meal.

Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum) is an excellent healing herb that is very effective for the healing of bone tissue.
  • A systemic herbal sleep formulation prepared from 1:5 fresh herb tinctures containing English lavender flowering spike (Lavandula angustifolia) 20%, St. Johnswort herb (Hypericum perforatum) 20%, catnip herb (Nepeta cataria) 20%, American plantain herb (Plantago rugelii) 15%, hop strobilus (Humulus lupulus) 15%, turmeric rhizome (Curcuma longa) 9%, white pine leaf/twig (Pinus strobus) 1%. The dosage of this formulation is 6 ml immediately before bed and additional 3 ml doses through the night, as required. Getting sufficient sleep is one of my greatest challenges. I tend to be a light sleeper. I sleep on my sides and wake up four or five times a night feeling a bit stiff and change my position, flipping from side to side and then falling back to sleep fairly quickly. With my broken leg I can only sleep on my back. This is difficult for me because as a general rule I can't sleep on my back, and it also doesn't allow me to shift my position sufficiently. By half way through the night my lower back is very stiff and sore. Most nights I'm only getting five to six hours sleep, and that's with the sleep formulation. Occasionally I get a bit more. Getting sufficient sleep is critical to the healing process, so I made this formulation to help me sleep better. Notice that it contains a few of the herbs that are in my daytime formulation. This is to help continue to support the healing process through the night. It is also important that the overlapping herbs contribute to the sleep formulation. You will find few, if any, references to plantain having sedative properties, but it does. As a general rule, whenever someone is taking more than one herbal formulation concurrently, it is usually preferable if there is some overlap between the herbs in the different formulations. As in this case, the overlapping herbs must contribute to the desired actions of both formulations.
  • A topical liniment made up of a base containing 1:5 fresh herb infused oils of pot marigold flower head (Calendula officinalis), Canada goldenrod leaf (Solidago canadensis), wild bergamot herb (Monarda fistulosa), coltsfoot leaf (Tussilago farfara), St. Johnswort herb (Hypericum perforatum), northern white pine leaf (Pinus strobus) and American plantain herb (Plantago rugelii). This infuse oil was prepared last year. The herbs are in descending order based on proportion as I am not certain of the exact percentages. To the base oil I added the following essential oils at an overall potency of two drops per ml of base oil: rosemary leaf (Rosmarinus officinalis) 25%, English lavender flower (Lavandula angustifolia) 25%, black spruce leaf/twig (Picea mariana) 15%, marjoram herb (Origanum majorana) 10%, eastern hemlock leaf/twig (Tsuga canadensis) 10%, Roman chamomile flower head (Chamaemelum nobile) 5%, yarrow herb (Achillea millefolium) 5% and eastern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis) 5%. I apply this twice a day, immediately upon waking and just before bed, to the lower thigh, knee and half of the foot of my injured leg as my leg below my knee and half of my foot are covered by a tensor bandage. I also apply it to the hip, knee and ankle of my left leg, and my wrists, as these areas are being stressed in unusual ways due to using crutches.

In this photograph we have common plantain (Plantago major), an alien species that has naturalized throughout
North America, on the left, and American plantain (P. rugelii), our native species, on the right. Notice the
reddish colour at the base of the petioles (leaf stalks) of American plantain. Most people
(including herbalists) don't realize that these are two different species.

Two weeks after my surgery I went to the hospital to have my stitches removed. There was a lot of pressure on my stitches due to the edema in my leg that occurs whenever I am moving around in an upright position. The blood and lymph tends to pool in my leg because I am not using my leg to walk, which is necessary to efficiently pump the fluids out of my leg against the force of gravity. As a result, the doctor decided to leave every second stitch in my lower, longer incision for another two weeks. In the mean time, beginning a couple of days after I got my stitches out I started poulticing the shorter incision from which all of the stitches were removed. I am applying a poultice twice per day for 30-45 minutes. The primary herbs that I am using are common comfrey leaf (Symphytum officinale), stinging nettle leaf (Urtica dioica), pot marigold petals (Calendula officinalis), purple loosestrife herb (Lythrum salicaria), and a bit of whole flax seed (Linum usitatissimum) to increase the mucilage content. I use these herbs in roughly equal proportions (except for the flax seed) and each time add a sixth herb in a similar proportion. I have a lot of "ends" which are small quantities of herbs that are left over from when I harvest herbs to make tinctures. I dry these remainders and use them when the opportunity arises. This is one of those opportunities. Each time I make a poultice I use a different sixth herb. Some of the herbs that I have used so far include elecampane leaf (Inula helenium), wood nettle leaf (Laportea canadensis), Canada goldenrod herb (Solidago canadensis), blueweed herb (Echium vulgare), blue vervain herb (Verbena hastata), wormwood herb (Artemisia absinthium), yarrow herb (Achillea millefolium), yellow bedstraw herb (Galium verum) and pearly everlasting herb (Anaphalis margaritacea).

Supplements: I was able to obtain the additional supplements that I need over the course of the first week that I was back so that since about a week and a half after my injury I have been on the full complement of supplements that I need to help heal my leg. These supplements are very important whenever there is significant tissue damage, but they are particularly important for healing damaged bone, cartilage, tendons and ligaments, regardless of the cause of damage. I use a similar supplement regimen for the treatment of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Although there are a number of supplements available that are formulated for building bone tissue that contain some of these nutrients, I chose not to use any of them because I didn't like any of the formulations. All of them were missing important nutrients, had way too much calcium relative to the other ingredients, and most of them were compromised in some way by using cheaper, low quality ingredients such as magnesium oxide. As a result, I had to put this supplement regimen together using a fair number of products. Nevertheless, the importance of using all of these nutrients in the right balance can not be over emphasized. I have listed them here by nutrient instead of by which ones I am taking with each meal, as I did in the first post of this series, so that it is more clear what I am taking. All of these are taken with meals:
  • Vitamin A: 3,500 IU with breakfast; 3,500 IU with dinner.
  • Beta-carotene: 750 IU with breakfast; 750 IU with dinner.
  • Vitamin C (calcium and magnesium ascorbate): 1,485 mg with breakfast; 1,360 mg with lunch; 1,485 mg with dinner.
  • Vitamin D: 1,200 IU with breakfast; 1,000 IU with lunch; 1,400 IU with dinner.
  • Vitamin E (mixed tocopherols, acetate): 115 IU with breakfast; 40 IU with lunch; 315 IU with dinner.
  • Vitamin K: 60 mcg with breakfast; 80 mcg with dinner.
  • Calcium (citrate, ascorbate, malate): 150 mg with breakfast; 135 mg with lunch; 450 mg with dinner.
  • Magnesium (citrate, ascorbate, malate): 60 mg with breakfast; 60 mg with lunch; 260 mg with dinner.
  • Zinc (citrate): 5 mg with breakfast; 25 mg with dinner.
  • Silicon (aqueous horsetail extract): 4.7 mg with breakfast; 4.7 mg with lunch; 4.7 mg with dinner.
  • Manganese (chelate, citrate): 0.5 mg with breakfast; 5.5 mg with dinner.
  • Copper (citrate): 0.5 mg with breakfast; 1.5 mg with dinner.
  • Boron (chelate): 350 mcg with breakfast; 350 mcg with dinner.
  • Selenium (chelate): 50 mcg with breakfast; 150 mcg with dinner.
  • Polyphenol complexes (flavonoids, anthocyanidins, proanthocyanidins and catechins from extracts of berries, citrus, grape seed and green tea): 325 mg with breakfast; 225 mg with lunch; 325 mg with dinner.
  • Quercetin: 100 mg with breakfast; 100 mg with lunch; 100 mg with dinner.
  • Lutein: 0.5 mg with breakfast; 0.5 mg with dinner.

Blueberries (Vaccinium spp.) are a very rich source of anthocyanins and flavonoids, including quercetin.

Some of these are ingredients from a multivitamin that I am taking with breakfast and dinner. It is a good quality low potency multi with an excellent trace mineral content. It does not contain iron. I did not list all of the ingredients of the multivitamin, only those that are important for bone repair. However, the full range of nutrients in the multi are important to support healing in general. Mostly what I haven't listed are the B vitamins and some of the other trace minerals. In addition, I am also taking omega-3 fatty acids in the form of organic flax seed oil, 2-3 teaspoons taken throughout the day mixed in food (but not heated).

In addition to the above supplements that I am taking with meals, I am also taking the following on an empty stomach three times per day 30 minutes before each meal:
  • Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) 400 mg.
  • Glucosamine hydrochloride 300 mg.
  • Betaine 80 mg.
  • Hyaluronic acid 10 mg.

Probiotics: Another one of the challenges that I am dealing with is constipation. It started with fasting from food and water for 16 hours before my surgery and was further aggravated by the intravenous hydromorphone and three courses of intravenous antibiotics that I was given through the night after my surgery. However, the ongoing issue is that I am spending a lot more time sitting and can't walk or run, which is important for good bowel tone. I am addressing this by taking a high potency probiotic supplement that contains 25 billion active cells of a combination of eight active strains of bacteria. I take this first thing in the morning in a glass of warm water with a tablespoon of whole organic flax seed. My bowel movements gradually returned to normal during the first week that I took this and I am continuing to take it on an ongoing basis.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus: An important probiotic species.

Exercise: This is another of my major challenges. The surgeon wants me to spend most of my day sitting or laying with my injured leg raised. This is not an option. It's bad enough that the muscles in my right leg are getting weaker. I'm not going to sit around and let my whole body atrophy. Plus, I have clients and students that depend on me and lots of work to be done. My life has definitely slowed down and there are many things that are too difficult or impossible for me to do, but I'm not out of commission completely. I have sit stations all over my house where I work, eat and rest consisting of a padded chair to sit on and a second chair with a pillow on it that I can put my leg up on. I have found that there is a delicate balance between sitting and moving around upright. If I do either for too long, the edema in my lower right leg gets worse.

Aside from the exercise I get moving around on crutches, every morning before breakfast I do an upper body workout with light weights and lots of stretching. I'm also working my injured leg as best I can. Whenever I'm sitting for periods of time I periodically massage my thigh and knee. I also wiggle my toes a lot and gently stretch the tendons and ligaments in my ankle and knee. In addition, I'm doing my best to work out my right knee and hip as best I can without being able to walk. To maintain some level of strength in these joints I do leg lifts from my hip raising my whole leg, and from my knee raising my lower leg several times per day for a few minutes. I also "pump" my leg while I'm walking on crutches by raising my leg and bending my knee on one step and then lowering my leg on alternate steps. As before I also continue to do deep breathing exercises in which I "feel" the life force or qi energy flowing into and out of my leg.

Diet: My diet is pretty good in general. It is almost completely organic and I get a lot of variety. My only concern is getting a bit more good quality protein. I have been a vegetarian for 33 years. Contrary to what some people believe, it is very easy for vegetarians to consume sufficient protein. Nevertheless, a good supply of high quality protein is necessary to heal bone tissue. Rather than bump up some of the typical high protein vegetarian foods such as beans or nuts which are harder on the digestive system, I have decided to increase my protein somewhat by eating one or two organic, free-range eggs most days. I have to strike a balance here and not eat too many eggs because for me eggs tend to be constipating.

So there you have it! This is the regimen I am following at this time. It is very intensive. I probably spend about 10% of my waking hours engaged in some aspect of this healing protocol. However, that's not bad considering I am still working at about 60% capacity instead of laying around like the surgeon advised me to. Also, with the exception of the intravenous hydromorphone and three courses of intravenous antibiotics that I was given through the night immediately after my surgery, I did not fill the prescription for painkillers that the surgeon gave me and only had to take a single dose of acetaminophen about 24 hours after my surgery. When I had the stitches removed, the surgeon prescribed another course of antibiotics and some anti-inflammatories. I didn't fill those prescriptions either. My intent is not only to stay relatively functional through this process, but also to make sure that my bones heal well and are strong enough to allow me to continue doing what I've always done. I'm also hoping to be able to start putting some weight on my leg a fair bit earlier than the three to four months that the surgeon predicted.

Overall, I have to say that the biggest challenge for me has been not being able to walk the land. In my normal life, every day I take my dogs out for about an hour and a half and walk the trails through the fields and forest where I live. Aside from the obvious benefits of the exercise and fresh air for the dogs and myself, it provides me with an opportunity to deepen my ongoing relationship with the land; to observe what changes are taking place; to stop periodically at one or more of my favorite sit spots and just be. I'm also missing the winter. Last year was the warmest winter I can remember. There was pretty much no snow. This year we are having a somewhat more "normal" winter. I am missing walking through the snow; breathing the cold, crisp air; feeling the wind on my face; the calls of the chickadees, goldfinches and nuthatches. At best a couple of times a week when the conditions are good I can put the spiky snow things on the bottom of my crutches, go out and sit behind my house by our fire pit and gaze out over the landscape. I really do appreciate those moments.

"The Land" in winter.

Most of the details relating to the protocols that I am using have been covered in these first two parts of this series. From Part 3 of this series onwards I will discuss any changes that I make to these protocols and provide updates on how things are progressing.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Healing Bone Fractures, Part 1 of 5

Things have really slowed down in my life and I haven't been able to post anything for a few weeks. That's because on January 30th I badly broke my lower right leg! Even though I'm an outdoorsy kind of person, I figured if I made it this far in my life without breaking any bones, maybe I never will. Well, it turns out I was wrong!

The Niagara Escarpment along the east side of the Saugeen (Bruce) Peninsula not far from where we were hiking.

We were hiking along a trail near the Niagara Escarpment on the Saugeen (Bruce) Peninsula. This area is characterized by lots of dolomite rock outcroppings. Normally we would have been snowshoeing, but we got a couple of days of unseasonably warm weather and it rained a lot. The amount of snow went from 45 cm (1.5 feet) down to about 5 cm (2 inches), making it much more easy to walk in boots. While we were hiking, I stepped with my left foot into a crevice in the rock that I couldn't see because it was covered in snow. It was quite deep. I never hit bottom and all of my weight came down on my right shin on the rock. I have a clean break in my fibula just below my knee, but my tibia was shattered just above my ankle. I'll spare you the details of how we got out of there, but it was quite a trip! Had there still been enough snow to snowshoe, my foot wouldn't have fit into that crevice.

This is more like the terrain where we were hiking (and the right season!).

Because of the severity of the fracture, I needed surgery. They weren't able to get me into surgery until the following day. The injury occurred around noon on the 30th and I didn't get into surgery until around 4:30 pm on the 31st. I had to have a 25 cm (10 inch) plate screwed into my tibia to hold the pieces together. I have no cast because I need to be able to move and stretch the tendons and ligaments in my ankle and knee so they don't tighten up too much while I'm off my leg.

Here are a couple of x-ray views of my leg with the plate taken the morning after my surgery.
It's a pretty messy affair and I suspect that I will need to have surgery again at some point to remove it.

According to the surgeon, this kind of fracture takes about four months to heal. If I'm lucky, three months at the absolute minimum. During this time my leg can't bear any weight. Once it is strong enough to bear weight, I will require a month or two of physiotherapy to get the strength back in my leg. So, he's predicting that this process is going to take 4-6 months.

What the surgeon doesn't know, because it's outside his paradigm, is that I have tools available to me to accelerate the healing of my leg. I have a basic protocol for treating bone fractures that I have used to help heal other people. This is the first time I'm going to be using it on myself!

I am going to use this as an opportunity to provide an example of how to heal a bone fracture. I will provide details of exactly how I am treating this on an ongoing basis, and updates as to how my healing is progressing. The important thing to keep in mind is, although I am following a basic protocol, it needs to be fine-tuned for each specific situation. If four different people came to me with similar fractures, I would treat each person slightly different depending on their specific needs, constitution, history, etc. What I am describing is how I have adapted this protocol to my own specific needs. Nevertheless, it will provide a good example of how I treat this kind of injury.

The protocol that I use is very complex. It requires five different components all of which are important: herbal treatment, both systemic and local; homeopathic treatment; supplements that help our body heal tissue damage and rebuild bone tissue; physical therapy; and dietary adjustments to support the healing of this type of injury.

I am going to begin by providing details of what I used in the interim when I didn't have everything available to me to complete the protocol. Then I will document what I am using and my progress in a continuing series of posts.

In the early evening on the day of the fracture, when it became apparent that the surgery wasn't going to happen that day, I had myself checked out and we went back to the cottage we were renting where I knew I would be more comfortable and be able to eat some good food and make use of whatever herbs and supplements I had on hand. My partner, Monika, tried to find some of the additional remedies I needed but was only able to obtain homeopathic Arnica in a 30C potency. Homeopathic Arnica is an essential remedy for any kind of sudden traumatic injury. It reduces swelling, bruising and pain, and supports the healing process. While we were still there and through the evening I took it every hour. I didn't sleep very well and took it every couple of hours through the night as well, and continued taking it every hour the next day up until my surgery. I resumed it when I awoke on Friday.

Mountain arnica (Arnica montana) is mostly used topically by herbalists because it is very irritating and mildly toxic when taken systemically.
It should only be used systemically by experienced herbalists. In homeopathic potencies this is not an issue.

Homeopaths rarely use homeopathic remedies in combination with other modalities. Although I am not a homeopath, I have a good understanding of the system and sometimes use homeopathic remedies in combination with herbs, especially for the treatment of acute conditions. In order to treat a situation holistically, I have found that it is best if we address it on as many different levels and in as many different ways as possible. The more severe the injury or illness, the more important it is to do this.

At the cottage I also had available to me a general herbal tonic formulation containing 1:5 fresh herb tinctures that provided some benefit in terms of reducing inflammation and pain, increasing circulation and supporting the healing process. It also contained some liver herbs that would help protect me from the side-effects of all the medications I was going to have to take before and after the surgery. I upped the dose from 3 ml into the acute dosage range at 6 ml. Because I was going to have to fast the following day before my surgery, I only had one dose before my dinner, but I resumed it as soon as I returned from the hospital after my surgery. I also had some supplements including vitamins C (calcium ascorbate), D and E, zinc, polyphenols, and a good quality low potency multivitamin with a very good trace mineral complex. I took one of everything and two vitamin C with my dinner, and resumed these when I returned after my surgery as well. The last thing I had is a herbal sedative which I travel with because sometimes I have difficulty sleeping when I'm in an unfamiliar environment. I took this before bed and a couple more doses through the night. I didn't sleep very well that night, mostly because I had to sleep on my back which I never do, but it did help me sleep a bit and reduce the pain and inflammation.

Up to this point, except for the insane pain when I actually broke my leg, as long as my leg didn't get banged or twisted the pain wasn't that bad. The Arnica was definitely a factor in this.

After the surgery, the doctor wanted me to stay another night to make sure I didn't end up with a kind of serious swelling that can occur with this kind of injury, or an infection, and that my pain was under control. However, I was determined to get out of there as quickly as possible so that I could get onto the remedies that I needed. I stopped dosing myself with the intravenous hydromorphone (a semi-synthetic derivative of morphine) as soon as I woke up so that they would see that I was managing the pain and asked to be disconnected from everything. The surgeon saw I was doing OK and I managed to get out by 1 pm. He gave me a prescription for a drug containing 300 mg of acetaminophen and 30 mg of codeine phosphate. I didn't fill the prescription. We did pick up a product containing 500 mg of acetaminophen without the codeine. I took one tablet on Friday evening shortly before bed when the pain in my leg got pretty intense for a few hours. That was all I used.

It is important to note that we should not use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen and naproxen, to treat the pain and inflammation associated with bone fractures as these drugs interfere with bone formation. Drinking alcohol also interferes somewhat with bone formation. This is mainly a concern for moderate to heavy drinkers, nevertheless, it is best drink very little or not at all. Smoking has a more pronounced negative impact on bone formation than alcohol.

We went back to the cottage and stayed for the next three days. Some friends were coming up for the weekend and we asked them to bring me some additional homeopathic remedies. At this point my interim protocol was as follows:

Homeopathics: Arnica 200C, Hypericum 200C and Symphytum 200C taken individually, four pellets per dose alternated throughout the day every 1-2 hours so that I was taking each remedy 4 times per day. Hypericum is a specific for nerve damage and nerve pain. Although I did not have any numbness or tingling, indicating that there probably wasn't any nerve damage from the original injury, there was a risk of nerve damage resulting from the surgery. Symphytum is a specific for healing bones. I tend to use Hypericum and Symphytum both in homeopathic form and in crude tincture form as you will see later. The two forms taken together are very synergistic, working much better than either the tincture or homeopathic individually.

Common comfrey (Symphytum officinale) is a specific for bone fractures, both in herbal and homeopathic forms.
Crude herb preparations must be used carefully as it contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which are liver toxins.
This is not an issue when taken in homeopathic potencies.

Herbs: I continued taking the tincture formulation I had with me at a higher dose until I was able to get home and formulate something specific for my injury. I took 6 ml in a bit of water on an empty stomach 10-15 minutes before each meal. I also continued to take the sedative formulation, 6 ml before bed and additional 3 ml doses through the night, if necessary.

Supplements: Making the best use of the supplements that I had available, I took the following (these are the doses of the nutrients that are particularly important for bone repair as provided by the individual products I had available to me):
  • With breakfast: Vitamin A 3,500 IU, beta-carotene 7,500 mg, vitamin C 1,325 mg (from calcium ascorbate), vitamin D2 200 IU, vitamin D3 1,000 IU, vitamin K1 50 mcg, vitamin K2 10 mcg, calcium 152 mg (ascorbate), copper 0.5 mg (citrate), manganese 0.5 mg (citrate), zinc 5 mg (citrate), selenium 50 mcg (chelate), boron 0.35 mg (chelate), lutein 0.5 mg, bioflavonoids 100 mg (citrus extract), quercetin 100 mg, anthocyanidin 100 mg (mixed berry extract).
  • With lunch: Vitamin C 1,200 mg (from calcium ascorbate), vitamin D3 1,000 IU, calcium 137 mg (ascorbate), quercetin 100 mg, anthocyanidin 100 mg (mixed berry extract).
  • With dinner: Vitamin A 3,500 IU, beta-carotene 7,500 mg, vitamin C 1,325 mg (from calcium ascorbate), vitamin D2 200 IU, vitamin D3 1,000 IU, vitamin E 200 IU (mixed tocopherols), vitamin K1 50 mcg, vitamin K2 10 mcg, calcium 152 mg (ascorbate), copper 0.5 mg (citrate), manganese 0.5 mg (citrate), zinc 20 mg (citrate), selenium 50 mcg (chelate), boron 0.35 mg (chelate), lutein 0.5 mg, bioflavonoids 100 mg (citrus extract), quercetin 100 mg, anthocyanidin 100 mg (mixed berry extract).
Some of these are ingredients from a multivitamin that I took with breakfast and dinner. It is a good quality low potency multi with an excellent trace mineral content. It does not contain iron, calcium or magnesium because iron should only be taken when absolutely necessary and the amount of calcium and magnesium that can be included in a multivitamin is too low to be relevant. I did not list all of the ingredients of the multivitamin, only those that are important for bone repair. However, the full range of nutrients in the multi are important to support healing in general. In addition, I was also taking omega-3 fatty acids in the form of organic flax seed oil, 2-3 teaspoons taken throughout the day mixed in food (but not heated).

Other: From the moment I was able to stand after my injury I spent a lot of time wiggling my toes to help with circulation and to keep my feet as flexible as possible. Most other forms of movement were not possible until a few days after my surgery due to the severe swelling of my leg. Whenever I was sitting (always with my leg up to reduce swelling), a periodically massaged my knee and lower thigh to help prevent them from tightening up as much as possible. I was also doing deep breathing exercises in which I focused on "feeling" the life force energy or qi circulating through my body, particularly in my leg.

This is the end of my first post on the ongoing saga of my leg. In Part 2 I will provide the details of the complete protocol that I put myself on once I returned home.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

More Bad News About BPA, Postscript

Just after I did my last post on BPA this came out:

It seems that substances like BPA have epigenetic effects, influencing gene expression in ways that not only affect anyone exposed to it, but also future generations. So, it's bad enough that we're filling our bodies and the environment with it, but even if we could completely eliminate it from the environment today, it will still have a lasting influence on our children and grandchildren! I think that's plenty of reason to do our best to minimize exposure to this and similar chemicals, and demand that industry and governments start taking a more cautious and responsible approach to what can be used in products and dumped into our environment!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

More Bad News About BPA (and Friends!)

Bisphenol A.

Bisphenol A (BPA) is one of many toxic chemicals that is known to be an endocrine disruptor and associated with a growing number of recognized negative health consequences. Although most of the research has focused on its estrogenic properties, a new study indicates that it can affect thyroid hormone levels in baby boys:

In addition, it was recently discovered that a metabolite of BPA (a substance produced when BPA is metabolized or processed by our body) is even more estrogenic than BPA itself:

BPA is found in many types of plastics and known to leach into foods and liquids stored in anything that contains it. One of the greatest sources of BPA is the plastic on the inner lining of canned foods and beverages that is used to prevent the contents of the cans from coming into contact with the metal that the can is composed of. Other major sources include thermal papers such as those used for cash register receipts and in fax machines. In studies where blood samples have been taken to determine the level of BPA in the blood and tissues of the subjects participating in the studies, cashiers tend to have among the highest levels because the BPA in receipts can be absorbed through our skin. Sadly, because thermal papers are included as a source of paper for recycling, paper that has post-consumer recycled content tends to have BPA as well.

Cigarette filters are another major source of BPA for smokers, providing another good reason to quit! It is also found in polycarbonate plastics, which includes the large plastic bottles that contain water for water dispensers, Nalgene drinking bottles, and many of the mixed bag of "Other" plastics that are labeled as #7.

BPA has been in use since the 1950s. As with so many other industrial chemicals, we have all been taking part in a continuous experiment on the toxicity of these chemicals, as have our animal and plant brothers and sisters.

This green frog (Rana clamitans), and all of the other beautiful beings that we share this planet with,
would love us to stop dumping endless amounts of toxic stuff into their (and our) environment!

It is insane that industries are allowed to use these things without adequate testing. As more research is done, we are beginning to comprehend some of their detrimental effects, but we still know virtually nothing about how all of these toxins interact in our bodies because almost all of the research is conducted on individual chemicals in isolation. Another major concern is that scientists are prone to linear thinking. That means that they assume that if a chemical seems to be safe at a particular dose, it will be even safer at a lower dose. However, recent research indicates that sometimes chemicals can be more toxic at very low doses than at higher doses:

Natural systems are incredibly complex and what we know is infinitesimally small compared to what there is to know. Things don't work in Nature the way they do in the artificial environment of a lab. There is very little in Nature that occurs in nice, neat linear patterns.

With the growing awareness of the harmful effects of BPA, many manufacturers are now offering "BPA Free" products. Well consider this: BPA has a function! If you take it out of something it must be replaced with something else. Unless these substances are added directly to foods or beverages for human consumption, there is very little regulation of them. That means that manufactures will just add some other chemical with little to no research on its potential harmful effects. And guess who are going to be the unwilling subjects in the longitudinal study on their harmful effects? That right ... all of us!

So, it turns out that in most of the "BPA Free" products out there the BPA has been replaced by a closely related substance called bisphenol S (BPS). There is considerably less research on BPS compared to BPA, but the research is starting to be done and (surprise!) it's looking like BPS might be just as bad as BPA:

Bisphenol S.

Ideally, regulatory agencies should be adhering to the precautionary principle, that is, that nothing should be allowed to be implemented outside a lab until we are certain that it will not have any negative consequences on the natural world (including us!). Or, as our Native American brothers and sisters would say, until we are sure that it will not have any negative consequences for the next seven generations.

Since the regulatory agencies don't get it (and are heavily influenced by industry), we need to think (and act) for ourselves. If we learn that something is bad for us and/or the environment, it makes sense to avoid it as much as possible - or it's supposedly "safe" replacement (e.g. avoid consuming things in cans as much as possible even if they are "BPA Free" and stick to glass bottles, or better still, make it fresh or can it ourselves). On the positive side, with a little education and effort, there are a lot of unhealthy things out there that we can avoid, and there are a lot of healthy choices that we can make as well.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Misuse of Antibiotics In Infants

My last post was on the affect of toxicity prior to and during pregnancy and its affect on the next generation. On a similar theme, in this one we're looking at the importance of a healthy population of microorganisms in in the digestive tract of infants and it's impact on their future health. Let's begin with this:

This study demonstrates that the use of antibiotics in infants has the potential to result in long-term changes in their gut flora. This has very important implications. Anyone who is familiar with some of the information on gut flora is likely to be aware of their importance for healthy digestion. However, recent research indicates that healthy gut flora are very important for the proper development of many important aspects of our health. Healthy gut flora is necessary for the normal development and maintenance of our immune system. For example, imbalances of gut flora early in life, such as those caused by the use of antibiotics, can lead to the development of autoimmune conditions such as allergies [see:]. More recently, evidence from animal studies suggests that infant gut flora also influences the development our nervous system as well [see:], and it doesn't end there. The more research that is done on gut flora, the more amazing and important they become!

Herbs such as oregano (Origanum vulgare) can be effective alternatives to antibiotics.
However, contrary to popular belief, the tincture (especially of the fresh herb) is the
preparation of choice. Oregano essential oil is not recommended for internal use.

Antibiotics are very powerful drugs. They should only be used for the treatment of very serious, life-threatening infections for which natural treatments might not work quickly enough, or in situations where for some reason natural treatments might not be recommended. This is particularly true for infants, for whom the long-term detrimental affects of antibiotics are more profound. Although I can not definitively back this up with hard statistics, based on my knowledge and experience I don't think it would be an exaggeration to say that more than 99% of the time that antibiotics are prescribed for use in humans there use is unnecessary or inappropriate, and they are misused to an even much greater degree by the agricultural industry! Their abuse has led to innumerable negative health and environmental consequences including a growing proportion of microorganisms that have developed a resistance to their actions. So now they often don't work even in situations where their use is required.

Among other things, probiotics are very important for the prevention and treatment of infections, as well as to help restore the gut flora in situations where the use of antibiotics is unavoidable. That being said, it is not always possible for parents to be able to discern when herbal or other treatments are appropriate, or what treatment will be effective. With a little bit of knowledge some degree of self-treatment is possible, but it is important to have access to an experienced herbalist or other natural health practitioner whom you can consult with that can properly assess the situation if self-treatment isn't proving to be effective. For more information on the treatment of infections, see my previous post Treating Respiratory Infections which also includes links to several articles that I wrote on this topic. You can also find a fair bit of information on the use of probiotics for the prevention and treatment of infectious conditions as well as more detailed information on the treatment of infections, including in infants and children, in our online lecture Immune Support and the Natural Treatment of Colds and Flu. There is also some useful information in my previous post Probiotics and Fibre.

Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus is an important probiotic species that is used to make yogurt.

Many of the factors that I recommended for women who are planning to get pregnant in my previous post, Providing a Healthy Start for the Next Generation, will have a positive influence on the gut flora of their children when they are born. In addition, breastfeeding is also very important for the normal development of our intestinal microflora [see:]. I recommend that infants are nursed exclusively until they are 5-6 months old, and then foods introduced one at a time. Difficult to assimilate foods, such as animal proteins, dairy products, nuts and gluten containing grains should not be introduced until after one year. Whenever possible, it is also preferable that infants not be completely weaned until they are at least one year old as well. Of course, it is essential that nursing mothers engage in healthy diet and lifestyle practices while they are nursing, both for their own benefit as well as for the health of their child.

The importance of healthy gut flora is something that can not be stressed enough. It is one of the essential elements of maintaining our overall level of health and well-being. Along with a healthy diet and lifestyle, the use of good quality probiotic supplements periodically is very important to help keep our gut microflora in balance. Also essential for healthy gut flora is a strong, healthy digestive system and good elimination. Unfortunately, there are many factors that are difficult to control that can have a negative affect on the population of microorganisms that normally live in and on our body. This is why it is essential that we do our best to address those factors that we can control to some degree.

The roots of many plants from the Aster family, such as Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus),
contain polysaccharides that promote the growth of beneficial gut flora.

It is ironic that better nutrition, sanitation and hygiene were the most important factors that led to the reduction in infectious disease in the last 150 years - much more so than any advances in medicine. However, we have now gone too far towards the opposite extreme. As one of the researches indicated in an article that I linked to above, our obsession with hygiene is killing us. Remember, sterile means dead! Devoid of life! It's time we stopped dosing ourselves with antibiotics and antibacterial substances, from chlorine to triclosan to copper. Everywhere you look you can see it: antimicrobial soap and personal hygiene products, hand sanitizers, antimicrobial clothing... The net effect of all of this is that the microbes are getting stronger and we are getting weaker. Regular exposure to microorganisms is part of life and is necessary to maintain a strong immune system. Believe it or not, the number of microorganisms that live in and on our body outnumber our body cells by a factor of ten to one! So where does our body end and the rest of the world begin? We are really an ecosystem living in an ecosystem. We have been using antibiotics and antiseptics to indiscriminately kill off the other organisms that co-inhabit our body when we know almost nothing of their purpose. They are part of us and we part of them. This is another example of the human species out of balance. One of the many benefits of living in greater harmony with nature through the choices that we make each day is that we not only help to create an internal and external environment that supports the health and well-being of our cells, tissues, organs, and body as a whole, it also helps to create an environment that supports the life of the many organisms that we are meant to live with. In response, they do the same for us. It's a win-win situation. What more could we ask for?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Providing a Healthy Start for the Next Generation

Here's a discussion from Scientific American that references a couple of studies on chemicals that have been detected in umbilical cord blood:

This has very important implications for the health of our children. First, let's put it into context. The blood of a mother and her child is separated by the placental membrane. One of the functions of this membrane is to prevent waste products and toxins in a mother's blood from entering the blood of her developing child. It is intended to protect the child, but is not 100% effective. Today there are thousands of toxic chemicals in our water, food and environment. Many of them will end up in our body fluids and tissues. Although our body has very efficient mechanisms for breaking down and eliminating these toxins, the level of toxicity that we are exposed to significantly exceeds our capacity to eliminate them much of the time. This is further exacerbated by the fact that the majority are synthetic or semi-synthetic chemicals that, until recently, the human body has never been exposed to. Just as our general mechanisms of detoxification are not capable of fully protecting us from this toxic chemical onslaught, similarly the placental membrane is not able to fully protect a developing child.

When 232 or 287 (depending on the study) chemicals are detected in umbilical cord blood, we need to keep in mind two things: firstly, this only represents a percentage of the chemicals in a mother's tissues as some would have been filtered out by the placental membrane; and secondly, that there are many more chemicals that could potentially be found in umbilical blood that these studies didn't test for. There is no study that has ever attempted to detect every possible known environmental toxin in umbilical cord blood, or in the human body for that matter. So, in reality, there could be two or five or ten times the number of chemicals that were found in these studies.

Medical professionals often claim that we shouldn't be concerned about this because these chemicals are usually at "acceptable levels". This is ridiculous because our understanding of the affects of these chemicals is insufficient to be able to determine what actually constitutes an acceptable level, especially concerning the affects of long-term exposure. We know even less about the potential affects on a developing child, and virtually nothing about how all of these chemicals interact in our body because the toxicological studies from which the "acceptable levels" are determined almost always focus on a single chemical. Fortunately, some medical researchers are beginning to sound the alarm. Unfortunately, the majority of doctors are still not aware of or unwilling to discuss this with their patients [for example, see:].

Red clover (Trifolium pratense) is an excellent herb for detoxification. It is also a specific
for helping to protect women from toxins that are hormone disruptors.

One of the things that I've noticed in the last thirty years, in my practice, in the research literature, and in life in general, is that chronic illnesses are significantly on the rise. More importantly from the perspective of this discussion, they are affecting people at younger ages with each successive generation. One of the primary reasons for this is that each generation develops in the presence of whatever toxic chemicals are able to pass through the placental membrane and then after birth they continue to accumulate additional toxicity from the air they breathe, the water they drink, the food they eat, from things they put on their body and use in their home, and from other sources in their environment. By the time they start having children, their body fluids and tissues are likely to be considerably more toxic than those of their parents when they were born. The accumulative affect of this is the gradual erosion of the level of health and vitality of the entire human population from one generation to the next.

Until recently it was assumed that unless a substance has the capacity to produce a genetic mutation and is present at a critical stage of embryonic development when the mutation is more likely to occur, the relative risk of the substance is fairly low. However, in recent years there has been a growing body of research on epigenetic factors. This concerns the capacity of a substance to affect gene expression, even if it doesn't affect the genes themselves. Only a small percentage of the content of our chromosomes is actually DNA. Much of it is made up of substances that turn our genes on and off. Recent research has demonstrated that environmental toxins have the potential to affect gene expression. What is even more disturbing is that the affect can potentially last for many generations [for example, see:]. This means that even if we could somehow eliminate all toxicity in a particular generation by the time they begin to have children, some of the epigenetic affects of exposure to toxicity in previous generations will continue to be passed down to the next generation. Each generation is being affected by the accumulation of toxicity in the their parents, grandparents, great grandparents, etc., along with the affects of the toxicity that they are exposed to on a day-to-day basis. The affects of this toxicity doesn't just involve altered gene expression and potential damage to DNA. Toxins affect our cells and tissues in many ways including: interacting with the receptor sites of hormones, neurotransmitters and other chemical messengers; promoting oxidation of enzymes and cellular structures; chemically altering or binding to substances in our body cells and fluids and thereby changing their chemical properties; and altering the functioning of, irritating, damaging or killing our cells by other known and unknown mechanisms.

Sadly, few prospective parents are aware of this. On the positive side, there is a fair bit that can be done about it, although many parents are not willing to take the time or make the effort. One of the major challenges that I see in my practice is that women often come to me after deciding to get pregnant looking for support during their pregnancy, but they haven't considered the need for adequate preparation before getting pregnant. They tend to come to me around the time they want to start trying to get pregnant. As a result, some of them are somewhat discouraged when I recommend as a bare minimum six months, but preferably one year to prepare.

Ideally, beginning one year before they start trying to get pregnant, both parents should be eating a good diet consisting of lots of vegetables and fruits, and whole, natural, minimally processed foods that are certified organic as much as possible. They should also get lots of exercise, reduce stress and minimize exposure to toxicity in their diet, lifestyle, home and work environments. I also recommend eliminating the use or consumption of cigarettes, cigars and social drugs, and also minimizing or eliminating consumption of caffeine and alcohol. If they do continue to consume some caffeine and/or alcohol, these should be eliminated at least a couple of months before they start trying to get pregnant. The women should also not be consuming these while trying to get pregnant, and for the duration of time that they are pregnant and nursing. The men should continue to not consume these while their partner is trying to get pregnant. Once she is pregnant, it doesn't matter as much for him, but I still recommend sticking to this as much as possible to help support his partner.

During the year of preparation, the male partner should go on a herbal detox formulation for about nine months. Then, about three months before his partner starts trying to get pregnant, he should switch to an adaptogenic formulation and continue taking this until she gets pregnant. For more information on detoxification, here are links to two articles that I wrote for Vitality Magazine that discuss detoxing from slightly different perspectives:

Although the focus of both of these articles is on the liver, they provide a lot of useful information that is relevant to any kind of detox. For anyone who is interested in learning about detoxification in greater detail, I will be including a lecture on detoxification in our series of online lectures at some point in the next couple of months. You can find more information on this and other lectures here:

For more information on adaptogenic formulations, here is a link to another article:

Artist's conk (Ganoderma applanatum) is an excellent adaptogenic fungus
that helps support the reproductive system in men.

Women who are preparing to get pregnant should do a detox for the first six months, then alternate a detox formulation with a female reproductive tonic. The information on detoxification in the articles that I linked to above is also relevant for women. In addition, here is another article that discusses this from the perspective of the female reproductive system and addresses female reproductive tonics as well:

Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) is one of my favorite female reproductive tonics.

Although this article is on fertility issues, the information is relevant to anyone who is trying to get pregnant whether they are having fertility difficulties or not. The issue of fertility and preparation for pregnancy will also be discussed in more detail in an upcoming online lecture. Anyone who is interested can check out the link above.

There are a lot of important things that need to be considered when it comes to having children. Among the more important considerations are what we need to do to give our children a healthy start. Many prospective parents in our society begin planning well in advance to make sure that they are financially capable of supporting a child. For the benefit of our children, it is important that we put at least as much time and energy to help bring them into the world with a strong, healthy body.